The third and latest edition of Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui was published in English in 2013, and in Italian in June 2014.
As I commented in an earlier blog, I was very surprised to see that it had been given the title Feng Shui e Space Clearing, which means ‘Feng Shui and Space Clearing’. Readers will soon discover there is no information at all in the book about space clearing except a brief section in Chapter 1 that explains why space clearing and clutter clearing are not at all the same thing. The publishers have apologized for this error and assured me they will give the book a new title in future editions. I’m hoping it will be changed to Clutter Clearing e Feng Shui. The content of the book is fine, though, and will remain unchanged.
I have three free copies of the book to give away to the first three Italian readers of my blog who contact me to request a copy. Shipping is free of charge to Italy and other European countries.
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Where to buy it (if you’re not lucky enough to get one of the three free copies)
Published by Edizioni Red!
ISBN: 978-88573-0571-4
Buy at