Announcing the publication of the third edition of my Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui book in German.
The new edition includes many updates and revisions since the previous German edition of the book was published in 2009, and a whole new chapter titled Die Einstellung ändern (Changing Standpoint). Also included is the updated translation of the four categories of clutter that I requested, bringing this essential part of the book much closer to the original English meaning than was the case in previous editions.
Feng shui gegen das Gerümpel des Alltags
Translation of 3rd edition of Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui
Published by Rowohlt on 1 October 2014
ISBN: 978-3-499-62877-1
Buy the paperback edition
Buy the ebook edition
I have 2 free signed copies of the book available to the first two people to email me to ask for them. This offer includes free shipping to any country in Europe.
Update: Thank you to everyone who emailed me. The two free copies of the book were claimed within hours.
Copyright © Karen Kingston, 2014