How to survive home renovations
Home renovations can really wear you down. It’s not just the noise and dust and intrusion of having builders in the space of your home. What many people don’t realize is that we rest part of our...
View ArticleHow healthy is your home?
A theme that runs through all my work is bringing more consciousness to people’s lives. I feel I’ve succeeded quite well in spreading more awareness about the benefits of space clearing and clutter...
View ArticleNumerology curio
Here’s an interesting discovery that was sent to me by a numerologist who decided to analyze the words SPACE CLEARING and KAREN KINGSTON, using the standard numerology system of A=1, B=2, C=3, etc....
View ArticleThe art of conscious unpacking when you arrive in a new home
A home is not just a place where you live and store your possessions. Whether you realize it or not, it is also the place where you anchor your energy and rest your consciousness. When things are...
View ArticleChildren learn better without visual clutter
A study published in May 2014 in Psychological Science has confirmed what many teachers have told me for years – that an uncluttered classroom makes a much better learning environment for children....
View ArticleDispelling the myth of magic bullet clutter clearing
A woman once called me in desperation to book a clutter clearing consultation. She had lived for 20 years surrounded by boxes of personal belongings she had never unpacked, and she urgently needed to...
View ArticleNew French edition of ‘Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui’
Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui has been published in 25 languages and has sold well over a million copies worldwide. But for many years there was one major European language that it was not...
View ArticleAt last – an affordable electromagnetic radiation detector!
If you knew that there was an invisible gas circulating in your home or workplace that could have serious health-threatening consequences if you were exposed to too much of it or for too long, would...
View ArticleIt’s all just stuff
I once witnessed a very poignant moment during a clutter clearing consultation when the woman I was working with took a much needed break from sorting through her mounds of stuff. Her gaze caught upon...
View ArticleWhy Balinese bells are the best kind to use for space clearing
From time to time I receive an email that says: ‘Much though I would love to, I cannot afford to buy a Balinese bell. Can I use a different type of bell to do space clearing instead?’ I really do...
View ArticleHow many new notebooks are enough?
There’s a moment in most of the online clutter clearing courses I teach where someone in the group mentions how many new notebooks they have in their home that have never been used. Then others chime...
View ArticleChanging standpoint
‘Is it OK to throw the box away?’ she asked me, in a way that made it clear the thought had never occurred to her before. This lovely woman, drowning in clutter, had apparently been taught by her...
View ArticleHow houseplants can be clutter
I’ll never forget the astonished look on my friend’s face when I casually picked up a houseplant in my kitchen one day while we were chatting, opened the bin, and threw it in. ‘Did you just do what I...
View ArticleNew German edition of ‘Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui’
Announcing the publication of the third edition of my Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui book in German. The new edition includes many updates and revisions since the previous German edition of the book...
View ArticleCould you wear a killer’s cardigan?
‘Could you wear a killer’s cardigan?’ This is one of many provocative questions raised by Bruce M. Hood in his book, Supersense: Why We Believe The Unbelievable (Harper One, 2008), and in some of his...
View ArticleStash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy
There’s a wonderful acronym that I’m told is often heard in knitting circles. It’s SABLE, which stands for Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy. It is used it to describe a knitter who has acquired...
View ArticleSpace clearing & clutter clearing practitioner visiting Australia
Announcing that Richard Sebok will be visiting Australia for six weeks from 1 December 2014 to 12 January 2015 and is available to do a limited number of space clearing, clutter clearing and healthy...
View ArticleSpace Clearing online store closed for seven weeks
The Space Clearing online store will be closed for an extended period over the festive season, from 26 November 2014 to 15 January 2015. You can still place orders during that time but they will not be...
View Article‘Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui’ in Arabic!
Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui has now been published in Arabic! I realize this may not be of huge interest to most of the people who read my blog, but for me it really is a significant milestone...
View ArticleNew Italian edition of ‘Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui’
I’m glad to see a new paperback edition of my Clear Your Clutter book has just been published in Italian. It is a translation of the third and latest edition of the book that was published in 2013 in...
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