Numerology curio
Here’s an interesting discovery that was sent to me by a numerologist who decided to analyze the words SPACE CLEARING and KAREN KINGSTON, using the standard numerology system of A=1, B=2, C=3, etc....
View ArticleWhy Balinese bells are the best kind to use for space clearing
From time to time I receive an email that says: ‘Much though I would love to, I cannot afford to buy a Balinese bell. Can I use a different type of bell to do space clearing instead?’ I really do...
View ArticleFrom tiny acorns do mighty oak trees grow
Winston Churchill, age 10 Winston Churchill is widely acclaimed as the greatest statesman of our times. But his early childhood gave no indication of the magnitude that was to come. He was such a...
View ArticleSpace clearing for moving into a new home
One of the most important uses of space clearing is to clear out the predecessor energies of previous occupants when you move to a new home, and land your own energies in the space. Until you do this,...
View ArticleSpace clearing to give a new relationship the best start
An important time to do a space clearing ceremony is when you start a new relationship that you feel may have some serious mileage and that you want to give the best possible chance of success. New...
View ArticleClutter clearing articles
Looking for all my clutter clearing articles? They have all been moved to
View ArticleCould you wear a killer’s cardigan?
‘Could you wear a killer’s cardigan?’ This is one of many provocative questions raised by Bruce M. Hood in his book, Supersense: Why We Believe The Unbelievable (Harper One, 2008), and in some of his...
View ArticleIs it OK to space clear while pregnant?
I keep getting asked this question and am always glad when people take the time to check because the answer is most definitely – NO. It definitely is NOT OK space clear when pregnant, or when...
View ArticleArticle 0
My big news this month is that my main website has moved to and this website is now dedicated purely to the topic of space clearing. Here’s why I’ve made this change… During the 20...
View ArticleCreating spaced space
I’ve heard there’s a new trend in the UK for creating decluttering ceremonies. Apparently what happens is that instead of just sorting through your stuff and heaving bagfuls of it out of the door, you...
View ArticlePurple altar cloths & colourizers
An altar is used in space clearing to create a symbolic representation of the focus for the ceremony and an anchorage for the frequencies of change it is designed to bring about. This increases the...
View ArticleWhite altar cloths & colourizers
An altar is used in space clearing to create a symbolic representation of the focus for the ceremony and an anchorage for the frequencies of change it is designed to bring about. This increases the...
View ArticleIs it the same if a robot vacuums your home?
I‘ve always been fascinated by how effectively vacuuming removes not just physical debris but also refreshes the energy of a room. A vacuum cleaner is a physical, mechanical device, designed to suck up...
View ArticleThe kiss line
Developing etheric awareness is an essential skill for anyone wishing to develop space clearing skills beyond beginners’ level and, in the process of doing so, there is something you are likely to come...
View ArticleFree space clearing offered
I’m looking for a 2, 3 or 4 bedroom house or apartment within 25 miles of Malvern, Worcestershire, UK to space clear on the morning of Sunday, 3 April 2016 as part of an advanced Space Clearing...
View ArticleSpace clearing after splitting up with a partner
When a couple splits up, the person who moves out has to find a new place to live. That can be pretty tough. But if you are the person left behind, you will have a different kind of problem to …...
View ArticleWhy it feels so good to sleep in your own bed
Have you ever wondered why it feels so good to sleep into your own bed, especially after you’ve been away travelling for a while? It’s partly to do with the comfort factor of your own mattress, pillow,...
View ArticleHow hand sensing reveals deeper levels
What’s on the outside is always on the inside, but what’s on the inside is not always on the outside. What this means is that everything in a person’s home is a reflection of something inside them, but...
View ArticleWhy it’s not OK to do space clearing with a baby or child present
The space clearing ceremony I have developed is completely safe if all the steps in my Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui book are followed, but it is not designed to be done with babies or children...
View ArticleHow to care for a Balinese space clearing bell
Balinese bells are extraordinary. There are no other bells in the world that come close to the beautifully pure, resonant tones they have, or that can be used so effectively for space clearing. Each is...
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