What’s more valuable – your stuff or your life?
Your plane has to make a crash landing and the cabin crew tells everyone to evacuate as quickly as possible, leaving all their bags behind. Smoke is billowing everywhere and it’s clear that time is of...
View ArticleThe value of professional clutter clearing help
The reality of modern life is that many people spend thousands of pounds or dollars (or fill in your own currency here) buying stuff that fills up their home, only to find themselves needing to pay for...
View ArticleProfessional clutter clearing practitioner training
Full details of my next Professional Clutter Clearing Practitioner Training are now available. Here are the links: About the training About professional clutter clearing – Essential information to read...
View ArticleSpace clearing to give a new relationship the best start
An important time to do a space clearing ceremony is when you start a new relationship that you feel may have some serious mileage and that you want to give the best possible chance of success. New...
View ArticleWhy clutter clearing is much easier after a vacation
Arriving home from a trip is one of the best times to do clutter clearing, especially if you’ve been away for at least a couple of weeks, and even more so if you have been abroad and spent time in a...
View ArticleHow to do personal belling
A lesser known use of Balinese space clearing bells is a technique called personal belling. I often recommend this to participants taking my online Fast Track Clutter Clearing course because it can...
View ArticleNews about the next Part One course
Part One of my Clutter Clearing Practitioner Training is a preliminary course that is open to anyone who has taken my three public online clutter clearing courses and is interested to train as a...
View ArticleZero Procrastination online course
Procrastination is one of the biggest self-sabotagers there is. It is one of the main causes of regret when a person looks back on their life and wishes they had done things differently. Yet we all...
View ArticleWhat’s your clutter ratio?
I once heard about a study conducted by a Finnish art student who decided for her final thesis to use traditional archaeological methods to inventory every object in her 2500 square foot home (approx....
View ArticlePerfectionism is the great paralyzer
Perfectionism is the great paralyzer in many people’s lives, and one of the main causes of procrastination. Winston Churchill famously once commented on this after reading a proposal for landing craft...
View ArticleClear Your Clutter Talk on 18 June
Tomorrow evening (Thursday, 18 June) my husband, Richard, and I are teaming up to give a one hour a Clear Your Clutter talk in Corse Lawn, Gloucestershire. It promises to be an interesting evening, and...
View ArticleThe art of arriving
When you arrive home after a trip, how long does it take you to unpack your bag? Unpacked suitcase clutter The unpacked suitcase is an often overlooked form of clutter because you tell yourself it’s...
View ArticleAre you ready to clear your paper clutter?
Paper clutter is one of the most challenging types there is because it’s so dense. You can sort through and tidy a small drawer full of general clutter in 20 minutes, but a pile of paper that occupies...
View ArticleDo electromagnetic protection devices work?
Many people write to ask me about pendants and other devices or substances that claim to offer protection from electromagnetic radiation. Wonderful though it would be to have a quick-fix device you...
View ArticleUpdate about the next Clutter Clearing Practitioner Training
In response to the many emails I’ve received, here’s an updated version of the announcement I made on this blog on May 27, 2015. The updates are highlighted in blue text. Part One of my Clutter...
View ArticleWhy clutter clearing is much easier after a vacation
Arriving home from a trip is one of the best times to do clutter clearing, especially if you’ve been away for at least a couple of weeks, and even more so if you have been abroad and spent time in a...
View ArticleSpace clearing for therapy rooms
Next time you have a massage, some kind of beauty therapy, or a dental or medical treatment, spare a thought for all the people who have been on that treatment couch before you. Why? Because mingling...
View ArticleSpace clearing for home improvement projects
Brits call it renovating. Americans call it remodeling. But whatever you call it, the problems that can arise during the process are pretty much universal. A little understood reason why renovation...
View ArticleWhy singing bowls are not designed to do space clearing
It is often claimed that singing bowls are made of a special alloy composed of seven metals that correspond to the seven major planets: gold for the Sun, silver for the Moon, mercury for Mercury,...
View ArticleHow to survive home renovations
Home renovations can really wear you down. It’s not just the noise and dust and intrusion of having builders in the space of your home. What many people don’t realize is that we rest part of our...
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